Tag Archives: DetectsSnoring

The Negative Effects of Too Much Sleep


The negative effects of too much sleep can be just as problematic as those of too little sleep. The condition is technically known as hypersomnia and can negatively impact your health. Getting too much sleep increases your risk of heart disease, diabetes, anxiety, and obesity. Indeed, the risks posed by getting too much sleep are […]

The Four Features Of Good Sleep


There are 4 telltale signs of quality sleep. If you want to determine how well you’re sleeping, compare the character of your sleep with the following 4 features of good quality sleep. In 30 Minutes Or Less  Quality sleep tends to begin relatively soon after your head hits the pillow. If it takes you longer […]

Better Sleep For Teens


Make better sleep for teens a top priority, since so many struggle to get enough. Teenagers usually need between 8 and 10 hours of sleep per day. However, many get less than this. Lack of sleep can adversely affect emotions, focus, and, athletic performance while increasing the chances of becoming sick or even gaining weight.  […]

Revenge Bedtime Procrastination Only Hurts You


Revenge bedtime procrastination only hurts you. It’s the act of sacrificing sleep for leisure time because of a busy daily schedule seriously lacking free time. Many people in stressful jobs that occupy most of their days choose this form of sleep procrastination as a way of finding extra time for entertainment. This often results in […]

Sleep Diary Tips


These sleep diary tips can help you reduce night-time sleep difficulties, which increasingly prevent people from getting the rest they need. It can be a powerful tool for helping you gain understanding of your sleep patterns and habits. Moreover, sleep diaries could even potentially aid the professional diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders. Take advantage […]

What Your Sleep Position Reveals About Your Personality


What your sleep position reveals about your personality can be quite profound. Though the kinds of clothing, music, and career you choose tend to be quite telling about your personality, sleep position can be even more so. This is because the position in which you sleep is an unconscious decision. Read on to learn more […]

Foods That Promote Better Sleep


Foods that promote better sleep can play a vital role in enhancing your sleep hygiene. The large quantities of various sleep-inducing compounds they contain help you sleep more restfully throughout the night.  Amino acids, enzymes, nutrients, and hormones such as tryptophan, melatonin, calcium, potassium, serotonin, and zinc, are instrumental in promoting this healthy sleep. Here […]

Ways to Get More REM Sleep


There are numerous ways to get more REM sleep, which is important since REM sleep is so critical to your well-being. During the REM sleep stage, the brain becomes more active while respiration increases. Your body is relaxed and your voluntary muscles become immobilized. Dreams occur as your eyes move rapidly beneath closed lids.  During […]

So Many Reasons To Get A Good Night’s Rest


There are so many reasons to get a good night’s rest that it’s truly surprising that so few people do these days. In the past, the importance of sleep was underappreciated and shrouded in myth and superstition. As time has passed, more has come to be understood about the vital role sleep plays in the […]

4 Foods That Can Help You Stop Snoring


4 Foods that can help you stop snoring do so by going straight to the heart of the problem. Swollen, irritated airways reduce space available for air to pass through. When this happens you compensate with deeper breaths that can make the enlarged tissues in your throat vibrate. This leads to snoring, which can cause […]

5 Natural Sleep Apnea Remedies


Here 5 natural sleep apnea remedies that could help you if you are part of the nearly 40% of people throughout the western hemisphere afflicted with sleep apnea. Sleep apnea causes profoundly poor quality sleep due to the attendant uncontrollable pauses in breathing, that occur up to 30 times per hour. The pauses can last […]

The Dangers of Microsleep


You have likely experienced the dangers of microsleep if you have ever been driving while tired and suddenly realize that you don’t remember how you got to where you are. You may have even become lost. If this sounds the least bit familiar, you have probably experienced one of the greatest dangers of microsleep: super […]