The Negative Effects of Too Much Sleep


The negative effects of too much sleep can be just as problematic as those of too little sleep. The condition is technically known as hypersomnia and can negatively impact your health. Getting too much sleep increases your risk of heart disease, diabetes, anxiety, and obesity. Indeed, the risks posed by getting too much sleep are actually even greater than from getting too little sleep.


After sleeping more than 10 hours, if you awaken feeling tired and worn down, it may be a sign that you are suffering from too much sleep. In addition, other symptoms may include:

  • Excessive daytime napping
  • Excessive daytime sleepiness
  • Headaches

Studies suggest that, in addition to increasing the risk of illness such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, the negative effects of too much sleep also include exacerbated body inflammation and weakened immune system function.

If your oversleeping is not due to any serious underlying conditions, there are a few simple things you can do to bring it under control.

Regular Sleep Schedule

Make sure you go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. This will help prevent oversleeping.

Maintain a Positive Bedtime Routine

Sticking to a bedtime routine comprised of calming and relaxing activities will help you prepare for sleep. Avoid light from electronics, as these may impede sleep onset.

Proper Sleep Environment

Help reduce the likelihood of oversleeping, or any other sleep disruptions, by maintaining a comfortable, sleep-conducive environment. Make sure to keep it at a comfortable temperature and free of unnecessary noise or light.

Stay Active

Regular daily exercise, as well as sunlight exposure, contributes to quality sleep at night.  Be sure to avoid any vigorous or excessive exercise close to your bedtime.

Quality Sleep

The ZEREMA smart pillow is the ultimate sleep solution for those tired of seldom getting productive rest. It incorporates deep-learning AI to learn your sleep habits, put you in a more comfortable sleeping position automatically, and provide you with a personalized analysis of how you can sleep better. Despite all the amazing tech inside, ZEREMA still does its main job. Its soft open-cell marshmallow memory foam keeps your head comfortable and supported as a pillow should. Connected via Bluetooth to the mobile app, the Zerema ZP-100 transforms your phone into a handheld, personal sleep clinic, which is constantly learning and changing to give you the restful sleep you deserve.




Sleep more Restfully!

→ ZEREMA ZP-100 Smart Pillow:



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