Amazing Happenings While You Sleep


Amazing happenings are taking place while you sleep. Most people spend upwards of 1/3 of their lives sleeping. If you live to age 90, you will have slept the equivalent of 30 years. So just what does your body get up to during all that time? Well, it turns out that some pretty important things are occurring. It used to be thought that during sleep the body and brain were essentially dormant.

However, it has been now long understood that both the brain and body are engaged in numerous activities crucial to life. Here are a few of the amazing happenings taking place while you sleep.

Mental Processing

One of the amazing happenings taking place while you sleep is the organization and consolidation of new information by your brain. This seems to contribute directly to the creation of long-term memories and the facilitation of critical cognitive abilities.

Hormone Levels

While you sleep the production of numerous hormones, such as melatonin and growth hormone, takes place. These promote sleep and regulate the repair and regeneration of your body’s cells.


When you sleep your levels of cortisol, often referred to as the stress hormone, are lower. This contributes to the general relaxation and calming of your sympathetic nervous system/fight-flight response. Production of melatonin, the sleep hormone, goes up, and will not come down until it is nearly time to wake up. At this time cortisol will increase.


During sleep, you cycle back and forth between non-rapid eye movement(NREM) and rapid eye movement sleep(REM). During the latter, most of your skeletal muscles will be temporarily paralyzed, which prevents you from acting out the vivid dreams typically associated with REM sleep.

Immune System Regulation

Sleep facilitates optimal immune system function. During sleep, cytokine proteins are produced which support the healing process by reducing inflammation, infection, and the effects of injury. Inadequate sleep reduces the number of such infection-deterring antibodies, making you prone to getting sick.

Better Sleep

There are so many reasons why ensuring adequate sleep is a top priority. The Zerema smart pillow with deep-learning app combines sleep tracking and snoring reduction technology for the most soothing, restful sleep possible.  Whether your sleep problems are due to snoring or not, the high quality, open-cell memory foam pillow, provides optimal support for the unique dimensions of your neck and head.

The Zerema smart pillow’s rectangular shape evenly distributes the weight of your head, keeping it comfortably positioned. The raised ear rests on the right and left sides of the pillow ensure that side sleepers, as well as back sleepers, receive proper support.  The Zerema app gives you a palm-sized sleep clinic, which can monitor your sleep patterns and automatically adjust to place you in the most comfortable position without waking you.


ZEREMA ZP-100 Smart Pillow



 Sleep more Restfully!

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