Tag Archives: #waterflossercordless

Your Tongue Can Tell You A Lot About Your Health

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Your tongue can tell you a lot about your health in terms of your oral and overall wellbeing. Linked to many of your vital organs, the color and coating of your tongue can alert you to the existence of weaknesses or conditions requiring treatment.  Tongue Color Your tongue can tell you many important things about […]

The Proper Balance Between Good and Bad Oral Bacteria

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Maintaining the proper balance between good and bad oral bacteria often spells the difference between a healthy or unhealthy oral microbiome. A great number of the most common oral health illnesses result from the disruption of this delicately balanced environment. This then can lead to increased accumulations of plaque, loss of tooth enamel, cavities, gum […]

Alcohol Consumption Can Harm Your Oral Health

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Alcohol consumption can harm your oral health especially when it more than moderate. Heavy drinking can negatively impact the health of your whole body as well as your mouth. In particular, the effect on tooth decay and gum health can be quite dramatic. Read on to learn more about how alcohol consumption can harm your […]

4 Reasons Why Oral Hygiene Is Important

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There are myriad reasons why oral hygiene is important. Often, the sheer number makes them difficult to keep in mind. So every now and then it’s important to refresh your memory as to some of the core reasons why oral hygiene is important.  Oral hygiene is centered on the practice of keeping your teeth free […]

Five Foods That Naturally Whiten Teeth

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Tooth discoloration is a common occurrence that increases with age. The outer layer of your tooth enamel becomes stained through exposure to myriad substances that dim their natural brightness. Aside from the many commercial teeth whitening procedures and products on the market, there are also natural ways to brighten your smile such as consuming foods […]

The Four Types of Teeth And What They Do

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The four types of teeth that comprise the 32 total teeth most adults have, vary in structure within our own mouths and from individual to individual. Your teeth help you chew your food, making it easier to digest. Each of these four types has a different shape and performs a different role. Read on to […]

What Are Root Cavities?

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What are root cavities, you ask? Root cavities are an especially nasty form of tooth decay that attacks the root of the tooth. Tooth decay is one of the oral health diseases most responsible for tooth loss. People usually think of it happening in the form of cavities on the crown of the tooth. However, […]

Professional Teeth Whitening Basics

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Teeth change color due to a variety of factors which can include certain medications, tobacco use, your age, and the foods you regularly consume. Regardless, people often turn to professional whitening procedures out of dissatisfaction with nonprescription, home whitening kits.  These are much less expensive than professional service, but also tend to have results of […]

Yogurt Is Great For Your Oral Health

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Yogurt is great for your oral health. It’s has been recognized for some time that its high calcium content can do wonders for your teeth and bones. Increasingly studies have shown that it can perform a number of functions in addition to reinforcing the strength of your tooth enamel. Here a few of the ways […]

Make Oral Hygiene Fun For Kids

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Make oral hygiene fun for kids in order to build strong oral hygiene habits, as well as healthy teeth and gums. Both adults and children must practice good oral health hygiene. While adults can easily grasp this, getting young children to understand is not so easy. Help your child maintain optimal oral care by making […]

Non-Oral Hygiene-Related Gum Disease Causes

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There are several non-oral hygiene-related gum disease causes of which you should be aware. Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, entails inflammation and infection of gum tissues and bone that keep your teeth in place. It’s called gingivitis in its early stages and causes gum inflammation and bleeding. It may become periodontitis if proper […]

Emergency Treatment For A Knocked-Out Tooth

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Emergency treatment for a knocked-out tooth is an absolute must, as it may be possible to re-implant your tooth. Following the proper emergency treatment steps below can help you save the tooth and make successful reimplantation much more likely. 1. Retrieve the tooth Immediately pick up your tooth with gloves, if possible, holding by the […]