Non-Oral Hygiene-Related Gum Disease Causes

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There are several non-oral hygiene-related gum disease causes of which you should be aware. Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, entails inflammation and infection of gum tissues and bone that keep your teeth in place. It’s called gingivitis in its early stages and causes gum inflammation and bleeding. It may become periodontitis if proper daily oral hygiene is neglected. At that point, gum tissue recedes farther from the teeth increasing the chances of tooth decay, bone loss, and eventual tooth loss. Aside from maintaining proper oral hygiene, there are a few other areas that warrant attention.


A genetic predisposition to gum disease can run in families and thereby make you more vulnerable to oral bacterial infection. If you have a family history of gum disease you should redouble your oral hygiene maintenance efforts.


Hormonal changes which may occur during pregnancy, adolescence, monthly menstruation, and menopause can cause increased gum sensitivity. Under these circumstances will become much easier for gingivitis to take hold.

MedicationNon-Oral Hygiene-Related Gum Disease Causes

Numerous medications can lead to enlarged or bleeding gums. Others can cause your mouth to become too dry, which allows oral bacteria to accumulate in greater numbers.


Numerous illnesses not localized in your mouth can cause gum disease, because of how they adversely impact your gums.  Diseases such as cancer or HIV weaken your immune system. Diabetes disrupts your body’s capacity to control blood sugar, which can lead to heightened risk of developing infections anywhere, including your gums.

Prevent gum disease by water flossing.

Water flossing provides enhanced oral hygiene. The use of a water flosser can powerfully aid in the prevention of gum disease. When used in conjunction with a proper oral hygiene routine, water flossing significantly reduces and eliminates gum disease and cavities. Water flossing effectively reduces plaque, flushing food debris from between teeth and other difficult-to-reach areas of the mouth. Less abrasive than traditional floss, water flossing has been shown to be 29% more effective. Water flossers offer deep cleaning and make improved gum health much more easily attainable. The Aquapick AQ-230 and AQ-350 are two highly recommended water flossers, that offer powerful, deep cleaning and soothing gum massage.


water flosser


Wanna have better oral health?

→ AQUAPICK Water Flosser AQ-350 Model:
→ AQUAPICK Water Flosser AQ-230 Cordless Model:

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