Simple Checks For Problem Snoring


Would you like to know some simple checks for problem snoring? You could be one of the 50% of adults who snore at some point in their lives. Snoring can be a major sign of serious health concerns, such as obstructive sleep apnea, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Though light snoring may not adversely impact your sleep quality or bother others nearby, snoring should not be ignored. Determine how bad your snoring is by following these simple checks for problems snoring.

Talk to your sleep partner

One of the best simple checks for problem snoring is to ask your sleep partner or those who sleep nearby, if you sleep alone. Having heard the sounds you make during sleep, they are well-positioned to help you determine when you are snoring, how severely, and how much it affects your sleep.

Look out for symptoms

Another simple check for problem snoring consists of self-monitoring for common symptoms of snoring. Some of the common symptoms associated with snoring that you should be checking for include sleepiness during the day, mood swings, fatigue, morning headaches, sore throat, and concentration difficulties.

Keep a sleep log

Maintaining a nightly sleep log is a useful simple check for problem snoring. Keeping a nightly record of when you sleep, how long you, and when you awake will help you become more conscious of any inconsistencies in your sleep habits. Include other helpful information such as how you feel in the morning and throughout the day.

Use some technology

An effective, yet simple check for problem snoring can be accomplished by recording yourself as you sleep. The information you gain about your night-time activity will further deepen awareness of your sleep patterns and may be shared with a physician, if necessary. Voice-activated recording devices or numerous easily downloadable apps are available to help you determine whether you are snoring lightly or heavily.

See a physician

If you have performed the above-mentioned simple checks for problem snoring to no avail, then it may time to consult with a doctor. Bring along the information you have gathered to help the specialist in determining the severity of your snoring and whether it is symptomatic of a serious health condition.

Smarter sleep solution

If it has been determined that your snoring is not due to any serious health condition, but is still negatively affecting your sleep, you may want to consider the sleep benefits of an anti-snore, smart pillow like the Zerema ZP-100. Its open-cell, marshmallow memory foam construction easily allows it to conform to the unique curvature of your neck and spine. The ZP-100 uses its app-powered, deep learning technology to monitor your sleep patterns, accurately recognize your snoring, and automatically place you into a more comfortable position, so that snoring is eliminated. The Zerema ZP-100’s AI is constantly learning and changing, so that you get the restful sleep you deserve.



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