The Best Sleep Posture


The best sleep posture is usually the one that lets you get the best night’s sleep. However, what that actually looks like largely depends on personal preference.

This will vary from person to person while being heavily influenced by physical and health issues. Because of this, a variety of sleep postures may be found to be beneficial.

Side Sleep Posture

Side sleeping is the best sleep posture for most people.  Side sleeping with an arm overhead often enhances the comfort. Studies have shown that as people grow older and less flexible, preference for this sleep position tends to increase. The side sleep position is one of the best postures for neck and low back pain.

Back Sleeping

Sleeping on your back can improve alignment of the spine and prevents undue pressure on limbs. It’s not for everyone, as it can exacerbate conditions such as snoring, sleep apnea, and heartburn.  Low back pain can also sometimes result from sleeping in this position. However, placing a pillow under your knees and neck can alleviate that pain.

Fetal Position

Sleeping on your side curled inward with bent knees means the fetal position may be the best sleep posture for you. This posture shares a lot of the same benefits as side sleeping, but can cause joint pain and stiffness. The use of a pillow between the knees or lying less tightly curled can lessen such discomfort.

Stomach Sleepers

Few people elect this position and for good reason. Breathing requires extra effort, because of having to raise the body up in order to expand the diaphragm for a breath. Sleeping in this position strains the back and neck. With head turned to the side, blood circulation can also be limited and airways reduced.


A Tailored Pillow

While finding the best sleep posture can include factors, such as age, body aches and pains, snoring, and possible sleep apnea, the positioning of your neck and head are central.

Side and back sleepers who still struggle to get a good night’s sleep because of snoring will appreciate the Zerema auto-height adjusting pillow with  AI-powered app. We all come in so many variations of height, weight, and spinal alignment, that a single pillow type can’t work for everyone. This anti-snoring smart pillow incorporates deep-learning AI to automatically put you your head and neck into a better, more comfortable sleep position. Zerema’s snore-detection technology will automatically adjust its height to allow for an opening of blocked airways.  A personalized analysis on how you can sleep better ensures that Zerema will provide the ultimate in personalized sleep solutions.


The Best Sleep Posture
ZEREMA ZP-100 Smart Pillow


Sleep more Restfully!

→ ZEREMA ZP-100 Smart Pillow:



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