The Four Types of Teeth And What They Do

water flosser

The four types of teeth that comprise the 32 total teeth most adults have, vary in structure within our own mouths and from individual to individual. Your teeth help you chew your food, making it easier to digest. Each of these four types has a different shape and performs a different role. Read on to find out more about the four types of teeth and what they do.


Your incisor teeth are the eight teeth at the front of your mouth. There are four on the top and bottom. They are rectangular in shape and used for biting vegetables or meat. Because they are easy to reach with toothbrushing and flossing, they tend not to be very prone to decay. They are, however, the most likely to be damaged by accidents due to their prominent position.


Your canine teeth are found on either side of your incisors on the top and bottom. These relatively sharp teeth are longer in other mammals and used for combat. In humans, canine teeth provide extra assistance with the biting and ripping of tough meats and fibrous vegetables. Because Canine teeth are also found at the front of your mouth, they too are easy to clean, but often suffer similar kinds of damage as incisors due to their equally prominent position.

Premolarswater flosser

The four premolars perform the necessary grinding and crushing function, which enables you to swallow your food more easily. These teeth emerge around age ten. There are two premolars on the top and bottom of your mouth. These teeth can be more difficult to reach, so require much more care to keep them healthy.


Molars are also for grinding and crushing just like premolars. The adult mouth has eight molars, which are positioned at the very rear of the mouth. Because of this, molars tend to suffer from incomplete and inadequate cleaning. This makes them easy targets for tooth decay and cavities.  

Your teeth work together to ensure efficient chewing and digestion. In this way,  they impact overall health. Because a healthy mouth contributes to an overall healthy body, it is imperative that you maintain your dental health with regular brushing, flossing, and dental visits.

Water Flossing Reinforcement

Further enhance your oral hygiene with water flossing. Complement daily string flossing with the inter-dental cleaning effectiveness of water flossing to powerfully reinforce your oral hygiene. The Aquapick AQ-230 or AQ-350 thoroughly cleans plaque bacteria from between teeth and below the gum-line. The countertop AQ-350 uses smart-sensing technology and has a large capacity, 600ml watertank. IPX7-waterproofing and its comfortable ergonomic design make it easy and safe to use in wet areas. The cordless AQ-230 is an IPX7-waterproof, portable model with a large 200ml tank and 360-degree rotating jet tip, giving it excellent water flow control. Both models deliver thorough cleaning of difficult-to-reach areas inside the mouth while massaging gums.

water flosser



Wanna have better oral health?

→ AQUAPICK Water Flosser AQ-350 Model:
→ AQUAPICK Water Flosser AQ-230 Cordless Model:



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