Revenge Bedtime Procrastination Only Hurts You


Revenge bedtime procrastination only hurts you. It’s the act of sacrificing sleep for leisure time because of a busy daily schedule seriously lacking free time. Many people in stressful jobs that occupy most of their days choose this form of sleep procrastination as a way of finding extra time for entertainment. This often results in insufficient sleep, which can negatively affect mental, physical, and emotional health.


Revenge procrastination entails 4 basic behaviors:snoring

1. Delaying sleep so that it reduces total hours slept.

2. Engaging in sleep delay for no valid reason.

3. Knowingly delaying your bedtime despite the fact that it could lead to negative consequences.

4. Deliberately engaging in sleep procrastination as a way of recouping free time lost to poor work-life balance.


The consequences of revenge bedtime procrastination are manifold. Revenge bedtime procrastination only hurts you.  Without sufficient sleep, mind and body cannot adequately re-engerize, which can have wide-ranging negative health impacts. In the short term, the resultant lack of sleep diminishes thinking, memory, and decision-making. It degrades your physical health and mental health, which can reduce immune system function, impulse control, and self-regulation.


Don’t let revenge sleep procrastination ruin your health. Prevent it by maintaining a healthy sleep hygiene routine based on creating good sleep habits and an environment that supports restful sleep.

Boost Your Sleep Hygiene

You won’t want to deliberately put off sleep for any reason with the Zerema smart pillow. It uses the latest technology to create a uniquely tailored sleep experience. Its deep-learning, AI-driven app combines sleep tracking and snore reduction technology to provide you with the most soothing, restful sleep possible. Even if snoring is not a problem, its ultra-soft, open-cell memory foam offers firm head and neck support. The pillow’s height automatically or manually adjusts to give increased comfort. With the Zerema smart pillow connected to the app via Bluetooth, you have a palm-size sleep clinic, which will provide personalized analyses of your sleep patterns. The pillow’s AI is constantly learning how to improve your sleep quality to give you the rest you deserve.



Sleep more Restfully!

→ ZEREMA ZP-100 Smart Pillow:

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