5 Natural Sleep Apnea Remedies


Here 5 natural sleep apnea remedies that could help you if you are part of the nearly 40% of people throughout the western hemisphere afflicted with sleep apnea. Sleep apnea causes profoundly poor quality sleep due to the attendant uncontrollable pauses in breathing, that occur up to 30 times per hour. The pauses can last as long as 20 seconds. This potentially life-threatening condition entails much more than heavy snoring. 


Fortunately, there are a number of natural remedies that doctors may recommend before considering more invasive methods such as surgery, medication, or breathing devices. Here are 5 natural sleep apnea remedies that can be helpful on their own and better when used together.

1. Reduce Your Weight

People who are overweight tend to have extra tissue at the back of their throats which can block their airway while they sleep. For this reason, obesity is considered one of the primary causes of sleep apnea. Many people previously afflicted with sleep apnea find that it completely disappears when they lose weight.

2. Stop Smoking

In addition to the many harms smoking can cause, sleep apnea is a major one that can also be added to the list. This due to the fact that smoking increases inflammation and the retention of fluid in your throat and upper airway. The swelling this then blocks the airway. Sleep apnea sufferers who quit smoking often experience a lessening of their condition.

3. No Sedatives or Depressants

The use of alcohol, sleeping medication, and sedatives relax the muscles of the throat, which can compound sleep apnea symptoms and cause increased night-time breathing difficulty. These substances can be very harmful to people with sleep apnea and therefore are best avoided entirely before bedtime.

4. Exercise

Exercising is always good for your health. Indeed, maintaining proper weight and level of fitness can hugely improve sleep apnea management. Yoga has been shown highly effective for managing sleep apnea. The training occurs while you are conscious, but the breathing practices you learn can help you while asleep.

5. Room Humidifier

Of the 5 natural sleep apnea remedies, this last one is probably the least natural. Air that is too dry can exacerbate sleep apnea symptoms. If you live an area with a dry climate or sleep in a dry room, you will benefit enormously from the use of a humidifier. The extra moisture it provides will likely make a big difference in your symptoms and quality of rest.

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