Better Sleep For Teens


Make better sleep for teens a top priority, since so many struggle to get enough. Teenagers usually need between 8 and 10 hours of sleep per day. However, many get less than this. Lack of sleep can adversely affect emotions, focus, and, athletic performance while increasing the chances of becoming sick or even gaining weight.  Encouraging good sleep hygiene habits in your teens will improve the quality of their sleep. Here are several recommendations.

Daytime Physical Activity

Being physically active in natural light helps the body relax and decreases stress. It also will help your teen’s body produce the right amount of melatonin at night, which will lead to better rest.

Avoid Caffeine

Teens should stay away from caffeine in the afternoon, as it will definitely keep them awake at night. Foods such as chocolate, cola, coffee, tea, and energy drinks all contain caffeine and should be consumed no later than 3 pm.

Limit Nappingsnoring

Napping for more than 20 minutes, as well as taking naps close to bedtime, should be strictly avoided. These habits only make falling asleep a night much more difficult, reducing sleep quality.

Regular Sleep Routine

Teens should be encouraged to keep a regular schedule for going to sleep. It can enhance the relaxation effect, especially if they read or listen to quiet music, perhaps after a warm bath or shower.

Deeper Rest

The Zerema smart pillow with deep-learning app combines sleep tracking and snoring reduction technology for the most soothing, restful sleep possible. Its high-quality, open-cell memory foam pillow, provides optimal support for the unique dimensions of your neck and head. The Zerema smart pillow’s rectangular shape evenly distributes the weight of your head, keeping it comfortably positioned, while raised ear rests ensure that side sleepers and back sleepers, receive proper support.  The Zerema app gives you a palm-sized sleep clinic, which can monitor your sleep patterns and, without waking you,  automatically adjust the pillow to place you in the most comfortable position. Whether you snore or not, the Zerema smart pillow will give you the regenerative sleep you deserve.



Sleep more Restfully!

→ ZEREMA ZP-100 Smart Pillow:



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