The Four Features Of Good Sleep


There are 4 telltale signs of quality sleep. If you want to determine how well you’re sleeping, compare the character of your sleep with the following 4 features of good quality sleep.

In 30 Minutes Or Less

 Quality sleep tends to begin relatively soon after your head hits the pillow. If it takes you longer than 30 minutes to fall asleep at night, chances are good that you have a problem which could be due to going to bed too early when not sufficiently tired. If this sounds like you, try to spend an hour before bed engaged in relaxing activities.

Infrequent Awakenings

People who enjoy good quality sleep tend not to awaken at night very often nor for very long. With older adults over 60, it can be twice at night. However, basically waking up a few times in the middle of the night and then falling back asleep is no indication of a problem. If you find that yourself waking up more than that, it’s a sign of lower quality sleep.

Back Asleep Within 20 Minutessnoring

Another of the 4 features of quality sleep is being able to fall back asleep in 20 minutes. Older adults may take a little longer. If you find that you remain awake for longer than 30 minutes, it suggests that you’re having low-quality sleep. Once you surpassed 30 minutes lying awake, it may be time to get up and do something relaxing until you are tired enough to fall back asleep. Television or computer-related activities should be avoided.

Asleep 85% Of The Time 

Spending 85% of the total amount of your time in bed asleep is good indicator of good quality sleep. Limiting activities done in bed, such as television watching, phone play, or work-related activities, will help ensure that your bed is primarily utilized for sleep.

A Quality Pillow

Side and back sleepers who still struggle to get a good night’s sleep because of snoring will appreciate the Zerema auto-height adjusting pillow with  AI-powered app. We all come in so many different variations of height, weight, and spinal alignment. A single pillow type can’t work for everyone. This anti-snoring smart pillow incorporates deep-learning AI to automatically put you your head and neck into a better, more comfortable sleep position. Zerema’s snore-detection technology will automatically adjust its height to allow for an opening of blocked airways.  A personalized analysis on how you can sleep better ensures that Zerema will provide the ultimate in personalized sleep solutions.




Sleep more Restfully!

→ ZEREMA ZP-100 Smart Pillow:



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