The Dangers of Microsleep


You have likely experienced the dangers of microsleep if you have ever been driving while tired and suddenly realize that you don’t remember how you got to where you are. You may have even become lost. If this sounds the least bit familiar, you have probably experienced one of the greatest dangers of microsleep: super brief sleeping while driving a car.

What’s Microsleep?

The dangers of microsleep derive from very brief periods of unconsciousness or sleep that can last between 15-30 seconds without warning at any time of day.  It can occur while reading a book or watching TV, which case it’s relatively harmless.  It’s when you are operating a vehicle or other dangerous machinery that microsleep becomes a serious health hazard. During episodes of microsleep your eyes may be open and you may even be carrying out a task, but certain parts of your brain have shut down. Though you may think you’re awake, it’s only partially true, because parts of your brain are definitely very much asleep.

Microsleep Causessnoring

Sleep deprivation is the major underlying cause of microsleep. On top of that, microsleep occurs in close relation to the performance of boring, repetitive tasks. When you have missed out on enough sleep, the brain will try to proactively cause you to sleep, which can happen in dangerous situations. In addition to lack of rest, other things can cause episodes of microsleep including:

  • Drinking alcohol
  • Taking medications with sedative or hypnotic effects
  • Medical conditions that adversely impact your sleep
  • Night shift work

Preventing Microsleep

The best preventative measure for combatting microsleep is getting sufficient quality sleep each night. This will make you much more likely to function optimally throughout the day without feeling fatigued. If you still must engage in repetitive tasks, drive a long distance, or operate dangerous machinery, some of the following tips may help you avoid the dangers of microsleep. These include:

  • Having a power nap
  • Taking frequent breaks
  • Engaging in lively conversation
  • Listening to loud music

Get more quality rest.

ZEREMA is the ultimate sleep solution for those tired of never getting the productive rest they need. It incorporates deep-learning AI to learn your sleep habits, automatically put you in a more comfortable sleeping position, and provide you with a personalized analysis of how you can sleep better. In addition to all this amazing tech inside, ZEREMA still does its main job. Its soft open-cell marshmallow memory foam construction keeps your head comfortable and supported as a pillow should. Connected via Bluetooth to the Zerema app, the Zerema ZP-100 transforms your phone into a handheld, personal sleep clinic, which is constantly learning and changing to give you the quality sleep you deserve.




Sleep more Restfully!

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