What Your Sleep Position Reveals About Your Personality


What your sleep position reveals about your personality can be quite profound. Though the kinds of clothing, music, and career you choose tend to be quite telling about your personality, sleep position can be even more so. This is because the position in which you sleep is an unconscious decision. Read on to learn more about some of the most common sleep positions, which ones you may use, and what they say about you.

1. Fetal

When in sleep in the fetal position, you sleep on your side with legs curled up and your knees near your chest. People who sleep in this way tend to have tough exteriors but are actually sensitive deep down. They are shy during initial meetings but relax soon after.

2. The Logsnoring

People who elect the log position lie on their sides with both legs extended straight and both arms at their sides. Though the position may appear a little awkward and stiff, people who sleep like this are quite the opposite.  Log sleepers tend to be highly social and extroverted. They enjoy conversing with all sorts of people and are very trusting of others.

3. The Soldier

If you sleep on your back with legs straight and arms at your sides, you’re sleeping like a soldier in a military camp. People who sleep this way tend to be quiet and reserved. They often have high expectations of themselves and others Fittingly, soldier sleepers are goal-oriented and single-mindedly work to achieve them.

4. Freefall

If you’re sleeping on your stomach with your head turned to one side and hands up near your pillow, you have adopted the free fall position. Those who sleep in this position are talkative, direct, and sensitive. They are quick to make decisions, dislike criticism, and are averse to extreme situations.

Restful Sleep Guaranteed

No matter what sleep position you choose, the alignment of your head and neck are centrally important.  If you experience sleep difficulties due to snoring or uncomfortable posture, the anti-snoring Zerema smart pillow, with automatic height adjustment, can help you get the rest you need. Using the latest technology to create a uniquely tailored sleep experience, the Zerema smart pillow incorporates deep-learning AI to learn your sleep habits. Soft, but firm open-cell marshmallow memory foam combined with a personalized sleep analysis, and internal air pumps, enable the Zerema smart pillow to help you sleep more soundly and wake up feeling more refreshed.

ZEREMA ZP-100 Smart Pillow



Sleep more Restfully!

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