So Many Reasons To Get A Good Night’s Rest


There are so many reasons to get a good night’s rest that it’s truly surprising that so few people do these days. In the past, the importance of sleep was underappreciated and shrouded in myth and superstition. As time has passed, more has come to be understood about the vital role sleep plays in the health of specific bodily organs, systems, and functions. Nonetheless, more people are sleeping fewer hours of decreased quality.  Here are 5 reasons you should make restful sleep a top priority. Adequate, restful sleep improves:

1. Heart Health

During sleep, blood pressure decreases, giving your heart and blood vessels a rest. The less sleep you get the longer blood pressure stays up. This can lead to a general worsening of blood pressure and cholesterol levels that could lead to increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

2. Cognitive Function

Another of the many reasons to get a good night’s rest is the beneficial effect it has upon your ability to concentrate and recall information. Sleep plays an important role in the brain’s capacity to learn and remember. Sufficient sleep will not only make you more alert and energized, but also improve your ability to process connections between events, sensory input, feelings, and memories.

3. Athletic Performancesnoring

Being an athlete is reason enough to get a good night’s rest. While you sleep, your body is hard at work repairing itself from damaged caused by stress, ultraviolet radiation, and other forces. Muscles are repaired while you sleep. Whether you participate in a sport that requires quick bursts of energy or endurance, proper rest will physically and mental set you up for top performance.

4. Immune Function

Getting enough quality sleep each night can boost your body’s capacity to fight off illness. Sleep deprivation reduces the ability of your immune cells to accurately identify and destroy harmful bacteria and viruses in your body. Poor sleep slows down their reaction time and can lead to you getting sicker more often and longer recovery time.

5. Weight Control

Sleeping well will make you less likely to be overweight. Hormones that regulate appetite can be unbalanced by lack of sleep. This can make you more tempted to eat unhealthy foods at unhealthy times and less likely to want to move your body. Sleep-deprived sluggishness and poor appetite regulation can easily lead to increased weight gain.

Get The Rest You Need

The Zerema smart pillow with deep-learning app combines sleep tracking and snoring reduction technology for the most soothing, restful sleep possible. Its high-quality, open-cell memory foam construction provides optimal support for the unique dimensions of your neck and head. The Zerema smart pillow’s rectangular shape evenly distributes the weight of your head, keeping it comfortably positioned, while raised ear rests ensure that you receive proper support whether you are a side or back sleeper.  The Zerema app transforms your phone into a palm-sized sleep clinic. The app monitors your sleep patterns, automatically adjusting the pillow to place you into the most comfortable position without waking you.




 Sleep more Restfully!

→ ZEREMA ZP-100 Smart Pillow:





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