4 Foods That Can Help You Stop Snoring


4 Foods that can help you stop snoring do so by going straight to the heart of the problem. Swollen, irritated airways reduce space available for air to pass through. When this happens you compensate with deeper breaths that can make the enlarged tissues in your throat vibrate. This leads to snoring, which can cause disrupted sleep, daytime fatigue, and considerable annoyance to others sleeping nearby. Though people snore for different reasons, diet adjustment can sometimes help lessen it. Here are 4 foods that can help you stop snoring.


Hot Tea

Drinking a cup or two of hot herbal tea before sleeping is a simple, effective way to lessen snoring. The steam from the tea helps reduce stuffiness. Herbs like chamomile and peppermint, Nose and mouth irritation are reduced by herbs in the tea. Chamomile and peppermint teas are among the most effective.



Garlic is definitely one of the foods that can help you stop snoring. It contains powerful anti-inflammatory properties, which can help prevent common infections as well as reduce snoring when taken before bed.


Pineapple can help you stop snoring due to its natural decongestant effect. It can clear up nasal passages and soothe inflamed throat linings. Pineapple is easy to digest, so can be eaten before sleeping.


The omega-3 fatty acids and protein contained in fish lower phlegm production, which leads to clearer nasal passages and less snoring. Omega-3 fatty acids also help to reduce inflammation, which also makes breathing easier less likely to lead to snoring.

Anti-snoring Solution

Lessen snoring and other related sleep disruptions with ease using the Zerema smart pillow with auto-height adjustment. Connected via Bluetooth to the Zerema app, the pillow automatically adjusts its height to put you into a more comfortable sleep position. The AI-driven app combines sleep tracking and snore reduction technology.  If snoring is not a problem, the pillow can also be manually adjusted for enhanced comfort. The Zerema smart pillow’s, ultra-soft, open-cell memory foam will softly, but firmly cradle your head and neck, providing optimal support to the natural curvature of your spine.  With the Zerema app you have a palm-sized sleep clinic that uses continual, deep-learning AI and personalized sleep analyses to provide you with the most soothing, restful sleep possible.



Sleep more Restfully!

→ ZEREMA ZP-100 Smart Pillow:  https://amzn.to/3nUqjYY



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