Tag Archives: neckfirm

Knowing When To Replace Your Mattress


Knowing when to replace your mattress is of extreme importance. Sleep is one of the most important components of human wellness and that is heavily impacted by the comfort of your mattress. While it’s true that medical conditions could be responsible for poor sleep quality, it’s also possible that your mattress could be the problem. […]

Pros and Cons of Power Napping


The pros and cons of power napping are worth considering when you’re trying to come up with a healthy way of battling the mid-afternoon slump. A brief period of shut-eye is a powerful way to give yourself a burst of alertness and energy that can be much healthier than reaching for a cup of coffee […]

How to Stop Talking in Your Sleep


How do you stop talking in your sleep? Many people will have awoken to the sound of a spouse, roommate, or child talking in their sleep. It may be complete gibberish or even actual full sentences. Maybe you yourself have been the offending party keeping others up with your midnight mumblings. Either way you’re probably […]

The 4 Stages of Sleep


The 4 stages of sleep your body passes through illustrate the actual dynamism of your slumber. Different things crucial to your well-being occur as each phase is experienced. Here is a brief description. Stage 1 The 4 stages of sleep commence after entering sleep with stage 1 NREM (non-Rapid Eye Movement). This is a kind […]

Understanding Sleep Starts


Understanding sleep starts should begin with the recognition that they are a normal part of falling asleep.  Most people have witnessed or experienced the strong, sudden involuntary muscle twitches or contractions that usually occur as you or someone else falls asleep or wakes up. Sleeps starts are called hynogagic jerking if they happen as you […]

The Most Common Sleep Disorders


Knowing how to recognize the most common sleep disorders is necessary for gaining control over sleep deprivation.  Difficulty sleeping is a huge problem around the world. Millions of U.S. adults are affected by sleep disorders. Inadequate sleep can interfere with cognitive function, and lead to memory impairment and depression. It can even contribute to the […]

Don’t Sleep With Your Phone


Don’t sleep with your phone if you ever struggle to fall asleep, but are serious about getting a good night’s rest. Large numbers of people sleep with their phones in or next to their beds. While they may have good intentions and want to stay on top of alerts and messages, this can interfere with […]

How Winter Sleep Differs From Summer Sleep


There are a few significant environmental conditions that make winter sleep differ from summer sleep. These differences contribute to sleep difficulties which can occur as temperate zone regions transition between these seasons.  Here are three factors that illustrate how winter sleep differs from summer sleep. Light Exposure Daylight impacts seasonal sleep patterns far more than […]

Exercises For Better Sleep


If you struggle to fall asleep at night, exercises for better sleep are well worth a try. Exercise is great for mind and body and does wonders for helping you get a good night’s rest. By burning extra energy, reducing stress levels, and calming your mind, regular exercise can make you more tired and ready […]

Summer Sleep Tips


Hot, humid weather can make summertime sleep quite a challenge, especially without an air-conditioner. Thankfully there is a considerable range of measures you can take to cool yourself down and stay that way while you sleep. Following these summer sleep tips will help you get a good night’s sleep despite excessive summer heat. Sleep on […]

Simple Ways to Avoid Snoring on Planes


There are quite a few ways to avoid snoring on planes that you will want to consider before your next flight. While snoring at home is enough of a problem, snoring on a long flight takes it to a whole other level. Avoid this embarrassing situation by trying one of the following simple steps to […]

Sleeping Well On Planes

Sleeping Well On Planes

Sleeping well on planes can seem next to impossible due to the many hassles and distractions of long-distance air travel. However, it can be done by ensuring you follow a few basic steps regarding seat choice, carry-on sleep accessories, and general flying habits. A Good Seat Seat location is one of the most important factors […]