Tag Archives: #100%natural

How Salt Improves Taste

How salt improves taste need not seem like such a mystery. There are 5 basic tastes to which our tongues are sensitive. Sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and savory.  In addition to being a general flavor booster, salt is particularly good at enhancing the taste of all of these. Here are some details as to how […]

What’s So Great About Truffle Salt?

LO Truffle Sea Salt

What’s so great about truffle salt? First of all, truffles are small edible fungi that grow underground at the roots of certain trees. Their unique flavor enhances almost any dish.  Long ago truffles were used for seasoning and cooking. As a result, the use of truffle-infused salt became intensely popular among many chefs. Like truffles […]

What Makes Truffles So Expensive?

LO Truffle Sea Salt

You may have wondered what makes truffles so expensive due to how much of a big deal is made of these special types of fungus. First of all, what are they? Truffles are a special kind of fungus that grows at the roots of certain trees. They are part of the tuber family of plants. […]

5 Benefits of Sea Salt

LO Truffle Sea Salt

Sea salt extracted unprocessed from natural seawater is unlike table salt. It’s not iodized but produced by evaporating and filtering salty waters of lakes and oceans. A small sprinkling on dishes not only enhances flavor but also adds valuable, health-giving nutrients capable of improving different aspects of the body. Here are 5 benefits of sea […]

Main Differences Between Sea Salt and Table Salt

LO Truffle salt

The main differences between sea salt and table salt center on their taste, texture, and processing. Sea salt is produced by evaporating saltwater, which leaves behind trace elements and minerals. This relatively simple process produces a natural source of sodium possessing unique flavor and coloring. The character of different sea salts can vary greatly depending […]

Black Truffle Sea Salt Uses

LO Truffle Salt

There are so many black truffle sea salt uses that making a choice can be absolutely dizzying. A primary consideration is the issue of how the black truffle salt reacts to high temperature. The delicate flavor is obliterated if you cook with it, so it’s best to add your black truffle sea salt as a […]