Main Differences Between Sea Salt and Table Salt

LO Truffle salt

The main differences between sea salt and table salt center on their taste, texture, and processing. Sea salt is produced by evaporating saltwater, which leaves behind trace elements and minerals. This relatively simple process produces a natural source of sodium possessing unique flavor and coloring. The character of different sea salts can vary greatly depending upon the mineral content of the region in which they are made.  Some of the flavor-enhancing minerals frequently found in sea salt include magnesium, calcium, potassium, and iron. It’s usually coarser than table salt and has a crunchy texture. There are a variety of types of sea salt, which have their own specific uses. Flaky sea salt is fragile and relatively expensive. It’s seen as a finishing salt for sprinkling over dishes that are ready to be served such as salads, grilled meats, or chocolate desserts. Fine-grain sea salt is less expensive. Its fine to medium-sized crystals make it excellent for use in both the preparation and cooking of various foods. While many people feel that sea salt is healthier, because of the perception that it has less sodium, it actually contains roughly the same amount as table salt. Table salt tends to taste saltier due to its greater density.

Table salt is much more heavily processed. Derived from underground salt deposits, production strips the salt of all minerals and contaminants. Then iodine and anti-clumping agents are added. Processing is meant to completely purify the salt, which ends up 98% sodium chloride. The iodized, finely ground, square-shaped crystals are easy to pour but leave a chemical aftertaste.LO Truffle salt

Fruit of Wind and Sea


Subtle smokey flavor, high mineral content, unrefined with no artificial coloring, additives, dehydration, washing, or bleaching are all hallmarks of Lo premium truffle sea salt. Soft and light, with no bitterness, this premium truffle sea salt possesses a sweet aftertaste with low salinity. Uniquely packaged in stick pouches, preventing truffle oil oxidation, the combination of black truffle aroma and flavor with the slightly sweet, mineral-rich, sea salt of the Docho Island mudflats, furnishes a versatile finishing salt that greatly enhances grilled meats, fish, and vegetables.




LO Truffle salt

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