Tag Archives: #teeth

Which Type Of Dental Floss Works Best?

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You may wonder which type of dental floss works best for you? It’s a good question. Daily flossing is an integral part of maintaining good oral health. It significantly lowers your risk for cavities and gum disease. There are quite a few different types of floss available, so figuring out which one to use can […]

Home Hacks for Toothaches

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Easy home hacks for toothaches can come in very handily if you happen to wake up in the middle of the night with that dreaded pain. Any time you have a toothache and your dentist is unavailable is the right time for an easy fix. Here are 4 that could help do the trick. Salt […]

Preventing Early Childhood Cavities

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Preventing early childhood cavities doesn’t have to be an impossible task. Early childhood caries, otherwise known as ECC, can be a problem especially for children from birth to the age of 6. Here are some things you can do to help prevent this condition from harming your child’s current and future oral health. Risk Factors […]

Swimming Pools Can Harm Your Teeth

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The fact that swimming pools can harm your teeth could put a damper on summer water fun. However, it doesn’t have to, if you take a moment to understand how to minimize the potential threat. Swimmer’s Calculus Spending a lot of time in a swimming pool can negatively affect your teeth due to chlorine exposure. […]

Green Tea Oral Health Benefits

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There are numerous green tea health benefits. If you are looking for a caffeine-powered energy boost, you may want to consider replacing that afternoon coffee with green tea instead. The age-old beverage has been shown to provide significant oral health benefits. Here are 4 ways that green tea is good for your oral health. Prevents […]

Summer Oral Care Tips

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Summer is nearly upon us, which means vacation travel and a loosening of schedules across the board. It’s the perfect time for a break and the reminder that bacteria that cause gum disease, tooth decay, and other oral health problems never take a vacation. Whether you are traveling across the world or just taking it […]

5 Possible Reasons For Bleeding Gums

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There are a range of possible reasons for bleeding gums. Some may indicate serious conditions, while others may not. In general, maintaining good oral hygiene can prevent  it. Nonetheless some bleeding can occur from time to time. Here are 5 possible reasons for bleeding gums. 1.Gingivitis This initial stage of gum disease is often a […]

5 Reasons To Floss Daily

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String flossing is a highly neglected part of most people’s oral hygiene. Its challenging natures causes many to do it seldomly or not at all. While you may not find it particularly enjoyable, it should be remembered that daily flossing is key to preventing serious health conditions such as diabetes as well as sever gum […]

Common Periodontitis Treatments

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Periodontitis is an advanced stage of gum disease, which afflicts millions of Americans over the age of 30. The condition often leads to tooth loss if left untreated. However, a wide range of effective treatment options are available that can prevent this undesirable outcome. Common periodontitis treatments tend to be either non-surgical or surgical and […]

Which Tooth Fillings Are Best?

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Have you been wondering which tooth fillings are best? If you have recently been informed that you have a cavity, don’t despair. There are more tooth-filling options than ever before, so choosing which is best for you is also easier these days. Knowing what options are available will make deciding much less complicated. Fillings are […]

Try Dry Brushing Your Teeth!

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As crazy as it may sound, your oral health can benefit greatly from brushing your teeth without toothpaste. Dry brushing entails using a dry manual toothbrush to clean your teeth. You can brush with toothpaste afterwards as follow-up. Studies have shown that it significantly reduces plaque build-up and bleeding of gums. So how exactly do […]

How Much Toothpaste Should You Use?

How Much Toothpaste Should You Use?

Ever wonder just how much toothpaste you should use? If you are like most people, you’re probably using the same amount you started brushing with as a kid. Despite what toothpaste advertising would have us believe, a brush-length smear is simply too much for children as well as adults. So let’s find out just how […]