Tag Archives: #teethbraces

How Deep Are Your Periodontal Pockets?

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How deep are your periodontal pockets? How bad is your gum disease? These are good questions, because periodontal pockets are key indicators of periodontitis. Periodontitis literally means inflammation of the socket surrounding the tooth. It’s a stage of gum disease that has advanced beyond the milder gingivitis. Caused by the build-up of bacterial plaque and […]

Choosing The Right Toothpaste

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Choosing the right toothpaste will play a key role in your daily oral hygiene. While most have the same general components for cleaning your teeth, others are specially formulated to address additional concerns. With so many different types available, choosing the right toothpaste can become quite a challenging task.  Keep the following distinctions in mind […]

Main Benefits of Interdental Brushes

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Have you been wondering about the main benefits of Interdental brushes?  Interdental cleaning is required to ensure optimal oral hygiene. Cleaning between teeth finishes the job your toothbrush started, because it can only really reach three out the five tooth surfaces that need cleaning.  For cleaning between teeth, many reach for interdental brushes, so just […]

Dental Grills Can Harm Your Oral Health

Dental Grills Can Harm Your Oral Health

If you’re not careful with your oral hygiene, dental grills can harm your oral health. Also known as “grillz” or ‘’fronts”, grills are decorative covers made of gold, silver, and gems that cover one or more teeth. They were developed by hip hop artists in the 1980’s and since have become a popular form of […]

Teeth Grinding Can Threaten Oral Health

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Teeth grinding is more than a minor bother or annoyance for those who may hear it. It can actually threaten your oral health. Known also as bruxism, teeth grinding is the involuntary clenching or grinding of teeth while you are asleep. If you find that you often wake with jaw soreness or headaches, it may […]

The Gum Disease Heart Disease Connection

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Heart Disease is one of the leading causes of death In the U.S. Increasingly, studies have shown a connection between heart disease and gum disease.    Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, entails inflammation and infection of gum tissues and bone that keep your teeth in place. It’s called gingivitis in its early stages […]

Natural Mouthwashes Are Better

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Oral hygiene is integral to overall well-being.  Regular, commercial mouthwashes can help improve your oral hygiene by assisting your body combat gum disease, reduce bad breath, and prevent tooth decay. However, natural mouthwashes are better. Commercial mouthwashes often do harm because they kill good bacteria along with the bad. This upsets your mouth’s ecosystem and […]

Oral Health And Overall Health

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There is a definite connection between oral health and overall health. Your oral health impacts your overall health in numerous ways. The mouth is filled with millions of mostly harmless bacteria. It is a major entry point to the rest of your body, so if oral hygiene falters, bacteria could easily spread.   Not only […]

What’s So Good About Oil Pulling?

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In recent years, increasing numbers of people have begun to as this question.  What is so good about oil pulling? For starters, it’s an excellent way to naturally enhance your oral health. Based on traditional Indian medicine, it’s done by swishing oil around the mouth for up to 20 minutes in order to clean it […]

Home Care For Sensitive Teeth

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There quite a few choices in home care for sensitive teeth. This is good news for the many who suffer pain and discomfort when biting into an ice cream or downing an icy drink. The sharp pain in one’s teeth and gums can be excruciating. However, it’s not something that has to be tolerated endlessly. […]

Get The Right Toothbrush

oral irrigator

 Toothbrushes are central to the oral hygiene routines of most people. From childhood, we’re taught that regular tooth-brushing is indispensable to the maintenance of healthy teeth and gums. However, getting the right one is crucial, because the wrong one can often cause more harm than good. So which is best? How do you go about […]

Easy Ways To Prevent Cavities

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There are many easy ways to prevent cavities that complement the key practices of brushing and flossing. Everyone knows that avoiding cavities is a top priority for maintaining oral health. Since cavities are a problem for children as well adults, cavity prevention should be practiced by people of all ages. Cavities form when your teeth […]