How Deep Are Your Periodontal Pockets?

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How deep are your periodontal pockets? How bad is your gum disease? These are good questions, because periodontal pockets are key indicators of periodontitis. Periodontitis literally means inflammation of the socket surrounding the tooth. It’s a stage of gum disease that has advanced beyond the milder gingivitis. Caused by the build-up of bacterial plaque and tartar around the teeth, periodontitis is accompanied by the formation of deep periodontal pockets. The depth of these pockets indicates the seriousness of your gum disease.

Assessing Periodontal Pockets

The gravity of your periodontal pockets cannot be adequately determined visually. Looking in the mirror checking for bleeding, swelling, or even pain will not suffice. These are strong indicators that something is wrong, but a dental professional will still be required for proper diagnosis.

The 4 Stages of Periodontal Severity

There are 3 basic levels of severity of periodontal disease based upon the depths of the associated periodontal pockets. Healthy gums will be also have a small “gap” between the gum and tooth, but no more than 1mm-3mm deep.

Level 1: Minor with a periodontal pocket depth of 3mm-5mm.

Level 2: Medium with a periodontal pocket depth of 5mm-7mm.

Level 3: Severe with a periodontal pocket depth of 7mm and more.

Determining the depth of your periodontal pockets, and therefore the seriousness of your periodontitis, is done with the use of specially designed probe. Your dentist will use it to measure the space between your teeth and gums from the top to the bottom of the pocket. Because toothbrushes typically can’t easily reach below 3mm, deeper periodontal pockets will eventually become a problem. Pockets deeper than 5mm are too deep for regular dental cleanings and tend to require much more aggressive measures.


No matter what your underlying causes may be, lifestyle choices can prevent periodontitis and periodontal pockets, along with the practice of good dental hygiene. Among other things, this should include:

  • Brushing at least twice daily with fluoride toothpaste
  • Using a plaque dissolving mouthwash
  • Cleaning between your teeth at least once daily
  • Regular dental visits

Water Flossing

You can dramatically enhance your capacity to clean your mouth with the addition of water flossing.  The powerful fine streams of pressurized water enable superior cleaning between teeth, below the gumline, and deep into periodontal pockets. Water flossers like the Aquapick AQ-230 and AQ-350 can clean out the bacteria and food debris that collect the pockets far more effectively than toothbrushes, string floss, or interdental brushes.

The countertop AQ-350 uses smart-sensing technology and has a large capacity, 600ml water tank. IPX7-waterproofing and its comfortable ergonomic design make it easy and safe to use in wet areas. The cordless AQ-230 is an IPX7-waterproof, portable model with a large 200ml tank and 360-degree rotating jet tip, giving it excellent water flow control. Both models deliver thorough cleaning of difficult-to-reach areas inside the mouth while massaging gums.


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Wanna have better oral health?

→ AQUAPICK Water Flosser AQ-350 Model :
→ AQUAPICK Water Flosser AQ-230 Cordless Model :




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