Get Over Your Dental Anxieties

water flosser

If your fear of the dentist has kept you from making appointments, there’s no time like the present to get over your dental anxieties.  You’re not the only one. Upwards of 80% of U.S. adults have dental anxiety, while between 9 to 20% of Americans simply avoid going to the dentist at all.

Unfortunately, this approach increases the likelihood of an unpleasant visit. The longer you put off going, the greater your risk of developing serious dental problems. People may develop anxieties about visiting the dentist for all sorts of reasons. Some of the most common include:

  • Fear of the sounds the drills make
  • Fear of painful procedures

  • Fear of a lack of control in the dentist’s chair

  • Fear of a loss of personal space

Whatever the reasons, regular dental care remains one of the keys to maintaining optimal oral health. Regular visits can address symptoms of cavities, gum disease and other common problems early. If you get nervous just thinking about going to the dentist, try using one of the following three strategies to get over your dental anxieties.



Being honest and open about your concerns can help you get over your dental anxieties. Tell the dentist about your anxiety and share any bad experiences you have had in the past. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or interrupt during a procedure, because of pain or just needing to catch your breath.


This is a simple strategy that works well for children and adults alike. Take your mind off the dental exam by listening to music through headphones. This can help redirect your thoughts, while helping to drown out the sound of the drill.

Bring a Friend

Try overcoming your dental anxieties by bringing a friend.  Having someone you trust, who keeps you calm, sitting in the waiting room or accompanying you to the exam, if possible, can do much to reduce dental anxieties.

Water Floss Worries Away

Optimal oral care depends on regular dental visits and your home care routine. Regular daily brushing and flossing, combined with water flossing, dynamically reduces oral diseases such as cavities and gum disease by easily and effectively flushing food debris and plaque bacterial from between teeth and below the gumline.  Water flossers, such as the Aquapick AQ-230 and AQ-350, combine IPX7 waterproofing and ergonomic design to deliver cleaning convenience in a compact portable or space-saving countertop model. Easily adjustable cleaning modes ensure superior waterflow control and effective cleaning deep cleaning.  The addition of water flossing to your oral care routine will improve the level of your oral hygiene, allowing you to have better dental check-up results. This will go a long way toward helping you reduce your dental anxieties.

water flosser



Wanna have better oral health?
→ AQUAPICK Water Flosser AQ-350 Model :
→ AQUAPICK Water Flosser AQ-230 Cordless Model :


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