Tag Archives: #dental

Dental Sealants Help Protect Your Oral Health

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Dental sealants help protect your oral health by reinforcing the capacity of the chewing surfaces of your teeth to resist cavities and tooth decay. They add another line of defense against oral disease which supports regular brushing and flossing. How They Work Dental sealants are thin plastic coatings that are painted onto the chewing surfaces […]

The Importance of Brushing Before Bed

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The importance of brushing before bed is often neglected. Most people know the importance of brushing at least twice daily along with regular daily string flossing.  Despite this, many all too often find themselves skipping brushing before bed. This is essential part of your dental hygiene can prevent cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease and […]

What’s Burning Mouth Syndrome?

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Burning mouth syndrome(BMS) is sometimes called glossodynia. It’s a frustrating, painful hot feeling or sensation that can affect your tongue, lips, palate, or any other area of the mouth. It can happen when nerve damage causes the brain to misinterpret messages about food taste and temperature.  Though you may have a feeling of burning or […]

What To Do About Broken Teeth

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Knowing what to do about broken teeth is important for your oral and overall health. Though your teeth are the hardest substance in your body, they can crack and break under certain conditions.  Some of the many stresses and strains that can commonly cause such breakages may include: Biting down on something hard Being struck […]

Toothpicks Are Not For Cleaning Your Teeth

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Toothpicks are not for cleaning your teeth, because they were never designed for that purpose. It may come as a surprise, but they are actually rather ineffective interdental cleaning aids. Let’s explore why. Eating various foods such as corn-on-the-cob or poppy-seed bagels can lead to getting food stuck between your teeth. This can be both […]

5 Minerals Essential For Oral Health

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There are 5 minerals essential for oral health that you should consume regularly. In addition to brushing, flossing, and regular dental checkups, eating foods rich in these minerals will keep your teeth and gums healthy.  Below are 5 mouth-friendly minerals that will benefit oral health as well as overall health. 1. Calcium Most of the […]

Different Types of Mouthwash

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Different types of mouthwash can be used to complete your oral hygiene routine. After brushing and flossing, mouth rinses can give help to give your mouth a nice, clean feeling at the same time as affording teeth and gums some extra protection. They are not all made the same, so choosing which to use can […]

Saltwater Rinses Can Improve Oral Health

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Saltwater rinses can improve oral health in a number of ways. Because salt is such an inexpensive and easily found ingredient, it can be included as part of any effective home oral health routine. Saltwater rinses can improve your oral health in the following ways listed below. Benefits of Saltwater Rinses Bacteria Reduction Saltwater rinses […]

Oww–Get Rid of Canker Sores!

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You can get rid of canker sores using a number of simple home remedies any time you feel that the sharp pain caused by these common, bothersome mouth ulcers. Though they usually heal within a week or two, eating, drinking, and talking during that time can be painfully uncomfortable. Using one of the following home […]

Bad Breath Home Remedies

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There are numerous easy bad breath home remedies you can take advantage of when you are feeling that your breath is not the freshest. Though vast amounts of money are spent on various kinds of mints and mouthwashes, freshening up your mouth doesn’t have to require going beyond a quick look inside your own cupboards.  […]

Which Type Of Dental Floss Works Best?

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You may wonder which type of dental floss works best for you? It’s a good question. Daily flossing is an integral part of maintaining good oral health. It significantly lowers your risk for cavities and gum disease. There are quite a few different types of floss available, so figuring out which one to use can […]

Home Hacks for Toothaches

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Easy home hacks for toothaches can come in very handily if you happen to wake up in the middle of the night with that dreaded pain. Any time you have a toothache and your dentist is unavailable is the right time for an easy fix. Here are 4 that could help do the trick. Salt […]